
Video: Be careful of BHP

Michael Gable is an expert guest commentator for the Finance News Network. This video is dated 5 September 2016. Click on the image below to access the video:   Make sure you bookmark our main blog page and come back regularly to check out the other articles and videos. You can also sign up for 8 weeks of our client research for free!   Disclaimer: The information in this article is general advice only. Read our full disclaimer HERE.  

Warning signs on the BHP chart

This post formed the basis of an article which then appeared in the Australian Financial Review on 6 September 2016. Michael Gable is a regular expert contributor to the AFR. You can access the AFR version HERE. Resources, mining services, gold – they have all had a great run this year. Be careful to lump them into the same basket though. While I think gold has potential upside (see my previous post), I can see dangers signs in other parts of …

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Gold is building up to the next rally

This post formed the basis of an article which then appeared in the Australian Financial Review on 31 August 2016. Michael Gable is a regular expert contributor to the AFR. You can access the AFR version HERE. As we entered 2016, gold was trading at about US$1060 an ounce. It then embarked on a fantastic rally that saw it move above $1360 in the days after Brexit. Since then it has failed to go higher. The gold price has returned over …

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Video: Trading RIO

Michael Gable is an expert guest commentator for the Finance News Network. This video is dated 29 August 2016. Click on the image below to access the video:   Make sure you bookmark our main blog page and come back regularly to check out the other articles and videos. You can also sign up for 8 weeks of our client research for free!   Disclaimer: The information in this article is general advice only. Read our full disclaimer HERE  

Is SAI poised to trade higher from here?

Investors in SAI Global (SAI) were relieved after last week’s results to see earnings exceed previous guidance. The stock has fallen quite a way since private equity’s proposal two years ago saw the share price exceed $5. With the company undergoing a transformation and believing that the worst is behind them, do the charts tell us whether now is the right time to get involved and enjoy some significant upside? SAI seems to have formed a double low here on …

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