Michael Gable on Switzer TV – 7 November 2017

Michael Gable chatted with Peter Switzer on Tuesday 7 November 2017 on Sky News Business, about the Australian market (S&P/ASX 200) pushing through 6000 and shares his charts on BHP (ASX:BHP), National Australia Bank (ASX:NAB), and Woodside (ASX:WPL). Click the image below to view the video on SwitzerDaily:   Michael Gable is managing director of Fairmont Equities. Sign up to our newsletter. It comes out every week and its free! Disclaimer: The information in this article is general advice only. …

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Click to view video: Stock Watch: Technical Analysis

Video: Woodside shares heading to $33

Michael Gable is an expert guest commentator for the Finance News Network, presenting “Stock Watch” each week – covering stock tips and shares on the Australian market (ASX) with Woodside (ASX:WPL) being today’s focus. This video is dated 6 November 2017.  Shares covered: (ASX:WPL), (ASX:ORG), (ASX:NAB), (ASX:LYC), (ASX:A2M) Click on the image below to access the video:     Did you like this video? Share this page on Facebook and Twitter! Sign up to our newsletter. It comes out every week and its free! Disclaimer: …

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Woodside about to trigger a BUY on the chart

Back in August last year we published an article in the Australian Financial Review with our views on the chart for Woodside (ASX:WPL) and how it was shaping up as a trade. We noted at the time that Woodside was looking positive again and that it should head up towards $33. With oil prices drifting back this year, let’s have another look at the chart and determine if recent weakness is providing us with another opportunity, or whether it is …

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