ASX Investor Update

What does EBITDA mean?

EBITDA stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization. It is a financial metric used to evaluate a company’s operating performance by focusing on the earnings generated from its core business operations, without considering the effects of financing, tax strategies, or non-cash accounting items like depreciation and amortization. Breakdown of EBITDA: Earnings: Refers to the company’s profits. Before Interest: Excludes interest expenses, as they depend on the company’s financing structure (debt vs. equity). Before Taxes: Excludes tax expenses, as …

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What the charts say about global and Australian sharemarkets

This post formed the basis of an article that appeared in the November 2018 edition of the ASX Investor Update on 13 November 2018. The ASX Investor Update is a monthly newsletter that is emailed out to over 200,000 subscribers. Michael Gable is a regular expert contributor to the ASX. You can access the ASX version of the article HERE. After a relatively calm 2017, global equity markets look set to end 2018 a little differently. Volatility is back. After taking a tumble in February, …

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Are shopping centre A-REITs a bargain buy?

This post formed the basis of an article that appeared in the February 2018 edition of the ASX Investor Update on 13 February 2018. Michael Gable is a regular expert contributor to the ASX. You can access the ASX version of the article HERE. Stocks covered: (ASX:SCP), (ASX:VCX), (ASX:CQR), (ASX:SCG). The share prices for Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) have generally done very well over the last 5 years. Falling interest rates and increasing property values have translated into inflating stock prices. The last couple of years however …

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Packaged for success

This post formed the basis of an article that appeared in the October 2017 edition of the ASX Investor Update on 10 October 2017. Michael Gable is a regular expert contributor to the ASX. You can access the ASX version of the article HERE.   There is a small group of companies in our market that can display defensive characteristics but still go on to grow their profits when the economy improves. Packaging companies might seem a little boring and the products fairly unsophisticated. Cardboard …

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Key medical-device stocks a picture of health

Key medical-device stocks a picture of health This post formed the basis of an article that appeared in the August 2017 edition of the ASX Investor Update on 8 August 2017. Michael Gable is a regular expert contributor to the ASX. You can access the ASX version of the article HERE.   The S&P/ASX 200 Health Care Sector index reached record highs in June this year. It is continuing an incredible run since the GFC lows and the index has now tripled in value. I …

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