small caps

When do small caps outperform large caps?

We previously wrote about why large caps have outperformed small cap but in this article we discuss the environments where small-cap stocks can outperform large-cap stocks. Early Stages of Economic Recovery Small-cap stocks are often more sensitive to economic cycles and can benefit significantly when the economy starts to recover from a downturn. During this phase: Small-cap companies may experience faster revenue growth as economic activity picks up. They can quickly adapt to changing market conditions and capitalize on new …

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Why have large caps outperformed small caps?

If we look at the return of the XFL (S&P/ASX 50) from 2 Jan 2023 to 11 June 2024 we can see the index returned 10.75%. If we compared the XSO (S&P/ASX Small Ords) with the same dates we only have a return of 6.85%.  We discuss the various factors which have contributed to the outperformance of large-cap stocks compared to small-cap stocks below: Stability and Resilience: Large-cap companies are often more stable and resilient during periods of economic uncertainty …

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What you need to know about small caps

Small caps tend to be growth companies which have potential to yield a better capital return than bigger companies. However, there are additional risks associated with these investments. In this article we discuss the pros and cons, who is suitable, and when the best time is to buy small caps. Characteristics: Small cap stocks are usually companies that are younger. They are generally looking to grow their businesses at an accelerated rate.  Small cap companies have a market cap between …

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The pros and cons of trading small cap stocks

Small cap stocks are classified as stocks listed on the ASX with a market capitalization between $300 million to $2 billion. These can be highly risky but they can also offer very high rewards. In this article we discuss the pros and cons of trading in small cap stocks. Advantages Small cap stocks have the potential to reap very high share price appreciation as these companies are in the growth phases of development. The capital gains which can potentially be …

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When to buy large, mid or small-cap stocks

Similarly to sector rotations, the timing of when to buy and sell small and mid-cap stocks can maximise an investor’s portfolio. The size of a company has a huge impact on the characteristics of the stock. Knowing the difference between these types of companies will assist the investor to select the stock which is the most suitable for their needs. Understanding how different market caps react to market sentiment will help the investor protect capital and increase returns. Large Caps …

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