International Share Trading

"Many investors wish to further diversify their portfolio by gaining direct exposure to international shares. At Fairmont Equities, we can help you gain access to international shares.

The most common exposure is to stocks listed in the US.

If you would like to not only access international shares, but get my advice on what to buy and sell, then Contact us to find out more" - Michael Gable, Managing Director.

We utilise the Saxo Capital Markets Australia platform for our international share trading.

Saxo has access to a huge number of exchanges worldwide to help you gain access to shares outside of Australia

As with our regular Australian share porfolios, we will provide you with stock ideas and help you with the execution. Our charges are the basic Saxo fees plus an advice fee of 0.9%+GST per trade.

Despite receiving our research, all of our trading clients will still be notified of opportunities via phone or email if we believe that they need to take action.

Contact us to find out more about how it works.