Invest in Equities?
If you have a portfolio of $500,000 and above, put us to the test. Take us up on our offer for a free Portfolio Review.
In this review we’ll go over your current situation and where you’d like to get to. I won’t hold anything back and give you my considered opinion as to how you could improve your stock position.
All you need to do is send us a copy of your portfolio and arrange a time to chat over the phone. We can then go through it together and highlight any areas of concern.
To qualify (and allow us to make sensible recommendations) you must have a portfolio of $500,000 or more.
Here are comments from a review I recently conducted…
“Thank you so much for my portfolio advice. You have helped me a lot, I know that I have too many stocks and will reduce the amount. You have “hit the nail on the head” with me missing opportunities to sell because I have too many to watch. Thank you again so much and I will be going through my portfolio with a fine tooth comb.” – Susan Phillips
So if you have $500,000 or more to invest and want to take advantage of the returns the stock market can bring, I strongly suggest you pick up the phone and call me on (02) 9002 3260 to book in.
Alternatively, enter your details below and we'll get back to you promptly.